Where are your plans, Princess.

Right, here goes.

The plans…

I have decided the breakdown  and combination of symptoms for each page. They will be as follows.

  • Speech Changes, Forgetting Words, Difficulty Swallowing.
  • Visuospatial, Depth Perception, Directional Sense, Object Orientation.
  • Depression.
  • Loss of smell.
  • Tremors.
  • Falls.
  • Paranoia of Persecution.
  • Drooling/Runny nose.
  • Aggression.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Dry Eyes/Mouth.
  • Rigidity.
  • Heat Intolerance.
  • Fainting, Loss of Consciousness, Fluctuations in Cognition.
  • Memory Impairment, Problem Solving, Difficulty in Learning New Skills, Inability To Multi-Task or Concentrate, Decline in Intellectual Functioning.
  • Unexplained Pains, Anxiety, Sleeplessness, Constipation, Impotence, Sensitivity To Antipsychotics.
  • Slower Movement, Shuffle or Walk Slowly, Change in Gait.
  • Loss of Facial Expression, Blank Stare, Emotionless Face.

I haven’t decided yet in which order these pages will be. I also haven’t quite decided whether to make it a physical publication or a digital. If it is Physical, I will need to ensure that I do every symptom listed. I will decide on this base don time constraints and how quickly I progress with the work.