Black Clouds

For the depression one. I had an idea that has stayed the same throughout. I love to use the term ‘The Big Black Dog’ to talk about my own depression. This is something that Winston Churchill used to refer to his depression as also.

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I decided that as blue is often the colour and term associated with depression and sadness I would also use this colour as an overlay. But only an overlay of sorts. I wanted the picture devoid of any other colour, much like the world through sufferers of depression when they are having a particularly difficult time of it.

I knew I was going to use my own dog to create a large black shadow. The only problem with this is he is a small skinny long legged Jack Russell. I knew I was going to have my work cut out for me. But thankfully he is also a very patient and amazing model.

I am going to photography Indy’s shadow on an indoor blank wall. i am going to try to make the shadow huge. Then separately I am going to take a photo of myself sitting against the wall with my hood up and with the mannequins hands inside the bottoms of my hoodie. I will then put the photos together, so that the photo of myself is tiny in comparison but it is merged onto the photo of the giant dog.

I will also photograph the Dressmakers dummy head in the same place and swap out my own face for a dummy head.



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